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Languages of Life

We provide the two most powerful languages of life; communication and money for a better living and well being of our students

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Your free learning platform
Free Amazing courses

Weekly upload of new courses, taught by the best in the industry with detailed texts and Videos

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Share your knowledge and skills
Earn on Monthly Basis

Join us today and start start enjoying our double benefits

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Online Courses

We offer amazing courses online from thousands of willing teachers, passionate to share their knowledge and experience; all free for our members.

Certified Teachers

Amazing teachers that loves what they do and willing to share with the world

Join Us Now

Join us now to start earning while learning your new skills and interesting Courses with us.

Languages of Life Internatonal (LOLI)

Languages of life is a revolutionary platform that is not just reshaping education but also creating unprecedented opportunities for financial growth. Imagine a world where learning and earning go hand in hand, where education becomes a pathway to financial success. Welcome to Languages Of Life, where education meets entrepreneurship!

In today's fast-paced digital age, the demand for knowledge is higher than ever, and so is the need for innovative ways to access it. Languages Of Life is not just another online course marketplace; it is a dynamic platform that has harnessed the power of multilevel marketing to redefine the way we learn and earn.

happy students

The big Question?

The reality of this time is that the best investment one can make is human development. If you  want a life time profit in any investment invest in human beings, the greater the number the greater the return on investment, measured as money. The safest and best way to advance financially with very low capital is to build a image or network.

How it Works

Register on Our Platform

This platform is open to everybody, and every age provided you yearn for knowledge and growth.

Enroll for a Course

Upon successful registration, feel free to enroll and enjoy as many courses as you want.

Invite Four People

Don’t tell them, show them!!! LOLI has a lot of courses that are highly profitable in terms of growth in all ramification. In addition you are linked to available opportunities so you can start putting your knowledge to practice. Remember, to get them, don’t tell them, SHOW THEM.

Start Earning

There are many ways to make money at LOLI. Because of the various services and businesses opportunities at LOLI, you can start earning from the first week of your registration.

Keep Earning While Learning

At LOLI, the earning is literally endless. Because of the powerful network you’ve built, at LOLI, you can’t stop earning. Earnings at LOLI goes down to your twelfth(12th) generation

Again The Big Question. How To Grow the Business

Knowledge costs money and business needs capital.
To participate and be a beneficiary of this opportunity, the sum of five thousand naira is to be paid once. This amount serves as a registration / enrollment fee. On payment of this sum you get a username and password that serves as a personal identity code [PIC]. This PIC will enable you gain unlimited access to the classes. Again any person you bring into the platform [selling the business] becomes your enrollee or downline, and will first quote your PIC to get his/her own PIC. This is how you make and grow your commission. The more the enrollees or downliners the higher your dividend. Be very assured that this grows into multiple hundreds of thousand naira monthly as it multiplies itself.

A lot of people who started this business three months ago are in this bracket.

Truth be told. There is no easy or free money. You must grow your business by building your network. You build a network by inviting four friends or buyers to join the classes. By so doing, from the four you invited, they invite their own individual fours. The commission is 20% of the commulative registration fee of the total enrollees of your direct and indirect or extended enrollees.

You must grow your business. The advantage here is that whatever effort you put in is multiplied by the effort of another person. It is called NETWORKING. From there on the business grows as the MAGIC OF FOUR.

By inviting a person to join you in your class, you immediately get back a part of your registration fee plus extra amount depending on the score of your Appraisal Point.

All payments are made directly into your brain account declared at your registration.

What Makes LOLI Unique?

Truth be told: Many network marketing businesses have risen and flopped, surfaced and disappeared. Many may still be surfacing but the success of any business is traced to the foundation.

LOLI is built on a foundation of rock. And the saying is correct – that a building founded on rock is sure to withstand and survive inclement conditions.

LOLI is built on a foundation that is structured on a TRIPOD OF:

Human Development

The product you sell fundamentally adds value to your person i.e. Gives knowledge. Knowledge has no end.

Enterprising spirit

There is no free money flowing in the wind awaiting collection. If you score well on dedication and devotion to knowledge and enterprise you receive a bonus. Appraisal is done every three months [quarterly]. You get an AP [appraisal point]. This is a percentage. You get 20% of the registration fee on all your direct enrollees and 5%of the total registration fee of your downliners. This is calculated quarterly, and lodged in your account as dividend. Wao!! Wao!! The hardest journey is the first step. Get started. Take the first step, and the rest will fall in line. Sell to the next person- classmate, workmate, neighbour, contacts etc, etc,etc.


The registration or enrollment fee is very low and affordable to encourage you. A low entry fee of five thousand naira encourages you to buy into it and grow a business. Mindful that every business carries risk.


Here you can review some statistics about our Education Center


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Our Teachers

Peter Mendez

Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

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Sarah Johnson

Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

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Harry Kane

Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

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What will you learn

Logical Idea

Web Development

Social Marketing

Graphic & Design

Business & Finance